Roanoke Rising Summer 2020
Roanoke Rising Summer 2020 - COVER
Roanoke RisingSummer 2020
Roanoke Rising Summer 2020 (From the CEO) - Page 2
Sharon N. Tolbert, Chief Executive Officer
I hope all are being safe and adjusting to what is often being referred to as the new normal due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The Roanoke Housing Authority (RHA) has modified its business operations as we navigate through unchartered territory as a result of COVID-19.
Effective April 6, the RHA closed its office to the general public and staff primarily worked remotely due to the Governor's Stay-at-Home Order that went into effect on April 4. The office closure was implemented in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus and to keep employees and the general public safe.
Although most services in our area have reopened, the RHA is taking precautions before we resume our normal business operations. Plans are being developed to reopen; however, a definitive date is still unknown at this time due to the continued uncertainties of COVID-19.
In this issue, we have outlined the steps that will be taken to ensure we continue to serve our families in a HUD-compliant manner. I do apologize for any inconvenience that our office closure may have caused but please be assured that RHA's primary focus is to provide safe, descent and sanitary housing to our families and we are here to serve you! I ask for your continued patience as we transition to our normal business operations, and again assure you of our ongoing commitment to provide service to our families as we strive to meet your housing needs.
I want to commend our RHA staff for their hard work and dedication as we work through our unconventional office structure while complying with essential job functions. I also want to thank our community partners that have assisted with providing services to our residents.
My heart goes out to families that may have been impacted by COVID-19. I ask that everyone continue to take precautions and comply with the Centers for Disease Control's guidelines due to the continued threat of the virus.
Beginning in July, RHA will have Zoom meetings each month with residents. The meetings will provide a question and answer session with the CEO and staff. Details regarding the meetings are provided in the newsletter. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
For more information, please visit our website at and sign up for "News and More" to receive email and text notifications. Also, be sure to connect with us on social media!
Please stay safe,
Sharon N. Tolbert
Roanoke Rising Summer 2020 (Commissioner's Corner) - Page 3
RHA is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners, representing a cross-section of the community and appointed by the Mayor of the City of Roanoke. One member must be a resident of an RHA property or program.
The Commissioners are responsible for overseeing the fiscal management of the agency and approve policies.
The board meetings are held at 5:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday in March, June, September, and December. The meeting is held at the Roanoke Housing Authority's Administrative Office located at 231 Avenue A. The meeting date is subject to change.
Terry Kennedy, Chairperson
Paula Lambert, Vice-Chairperson Michael Watkins, Commissioner Tom Staples Jr., Commissioner Sarah Nunn, Resident
HUD Five-Year Plan
FYB2020 - FYB2024
The Five-Year Plan describes the agency's mission and the long-term plan for achieving that mission over a period of five years.
The Resident Advisory Board reviewed the draft Plan on March 3, 2020. The Plan was approved by the Board on March 12, 2020.
Upcoming Meeting
Roanoke Housing Authority Board Meeting
Date: September 10, 2020
Time: 5:30 pm
Location: Zoom
The link will be available prior to the meeting.
The date and time are subject to change.
Roanoke Rising Summer 2020 (HR & News) - Page 4
Beth Redding - 1/6
Shay Blackmon - 1/26
Tim Wright - 2/5
Natasha Hall - 2/13
Kenneth Pitchford - 3/14
Star Snipe - 3/30
Richetta Stephens - 4/15
Sandra Sanders - 5/1
Laura Squiers - 6/17
Sylvia Impson - 6/20
Kelvin Whitlow - 6/23
Shannon Walters - 6/30
Carrie Smith - Interim Multi-Family Housing Director
AJ Harris - Interim Public Relations & Compliance Director
Laura Squiers - FSS Coordinator
Sharon Tolbert
CEOSandra Sanders
Executive Admin. Asst/
Human Resources
Charlotte Mattox
Resident Services
Multi-Family Housing Department
From Left to Right: Carrie Smith (Interim Multi-Family Housing Director), Mark Ellis (Regional Maintenance Mgr.), Timothy Wright (Maintenance Mechanic), Beth Redding (Property Manager I), and AJ Harris (Interim Public Relations & Compliance Director)
Housing Choice Voucher Department
From Left to Right: Star Snipe (HCV Director), Natasha Hall (HCV Caseworker), Laura Squiers (FSS Coordinator) Not Pictured: Shay Blackmon (HCV Receptionist)
Finance Department
From Left to Right: Wendy Cochran (Finance Director), Sylvia Impson (Purchasing Clerk), Richetta Stephens (Procurement Specialist)
Roanoke Rising Summer 2020 - Page 5
Covid-19 Survey
Roanoke Housing Authority is requesting residents to complete a short survey. Questions in the survey are related to the impacts of the Coronavirus. Resident responses will be used internally by staff only to help determine the needs of residents.
Visit and click the survey link found in the blue section on our homepage.
Census 2020
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 54.2% of Auburn residents have responded to the 2020 Census. If you haven't responded yet, head over to to respond today. The results will help determine each state's representation in Congress, as well as how certain funds are spent for schools, hospitals, roads, and more. This is your chance to play a part in history and help ensure that everyone in Alabama is counted!
If you leave home know your w's
-Wear Mask
-Wash Hands
-Wait 6ft. apart
Looking for a job? Goodwill Industries of the Southern Rivers has compiled a comprehensive list of businesses hiring in our area.
View the list here:
Find the perfect job and apply!
Roanoke Rising Summer (Grab & Go Thursdays) - Page 6
Grab & Go Thursdays
Grab & Go Meals are already making a difference! Be sure to grab yours every Thursday between 12-2PM at the following Auburn and Roanoke Housing Authority sites:
East Park Community Center - (900 Old Mill Rd)
Sparkman Community Center - (1350 Commerce Dr)
Roanoke Administrative Office - (213 Ave A)
Meals are available for youth 18 and under!
Roanoke Rising Summer 2020 (Mold & Mildew) - Page 7
Mold & Mildew
Mold, mildew, and moisture problems are especially prevalent in states with hot, humid summers, such as where you live, Alabama!
Do you know the difference between mold & mildew?
What is mold? Mold is a fungus and a common component of household dust. In large quantities, it can present a significant health hazard, causing asthma and allergy attacks, respiratory problems, and in some cases neurological problems and even death.
What does mold look like? Mold can be distinguished from mildew by its appearance. Mold color varies in shades of black, blue, red, and green. The texture is most often slimy or fuzzy.
What is mildew? Mildew is also a type of fungus. It usually grows flat on surfaces. The term is often used to refer to any type of mold growth.
What does mildew look like? Mildew starts off as a downy or powdery white and often appears on organic materials, such as wood, paper, leather, textiles, walls and ceilings. It can turn to shades of yellow, brown, and black in its later stages.
Both mold and mildew develop distinct offensive odors
Common Sources of Mold & Mildew
- HVAC ductwork
- Under sinks and around tubs and faucets in the bathroom and kitchen.
- In or around HVAC systems, dishwashers, clothes washers, and refrigerators
- Any area high in moisture
How to Prevent Mold and Mildew
1. Stop Filtration.
Make sure water is directed away from your home. If you notice any plumbing issues on the exterior of your apartment or any water leaks on the inside of your apartment, please notify your Property Manager and/or Maintenance Department as soon as possible to report the leak.
2. Keep your home clean and dry.
Clean fabrics frequently and store them in a dry place when they are not in use.
3. Use Disinfectants.
Did you know that 9 times out of 10 mildew is mistaken as mold? Mildew accumulates on flat surfaces such as walls and ceilings in areas that have poor ventilation. To clean "mildew" off ceilings or walls, use bleach and water. Mix one cup of bleach to 1 gallon of water.
4. Properly Ventilate your home.
If you do not have an exhaust or ventilation fan in your bathroom, you can simply raise the bathroom window after using the bathtub or shower to allow the moisture to escape from the room. This will help prevent mildew from accumulating on the ceiling and walls
Roanoke Rising Summer 2020 (Resident News) - Page 8
Rent Payment
RHA Rent: Rent is due the 1st of each month, late after the 6th. If the last day to pay rent falls upon a day the Authority is closed (weekend or holiday) then residents have the next business day to pay rent. If rent is late 14 days, the resident may be in jeopardy of being evicted. Please pay your rent on time to eliminate late fees and possible eviction! Rent Payment Drop Box is available at the Avenue A Administrative Office Tuesdays from 9am-3pm until further notice.--
Rental Insurance
Residents are encouraged to obtain rental insurance. Rental insurance helps to protect your belongings after a covered loss.--
An emergency work order will be completed and mitigated within twenty-four (24) hours. If a situation is determined to not be an emergency, the resident will be informed that the request will be considered as "any other resident work order request". Normal
work orders will be resolved within 3 business days. Examples of a work order emergency are:-Broken exterior door lock
-Loss of power - mechanical failure
-Broken water line
-Loose or falling ceiling
-No A/C (when the outside temperature is 90 degrees or above)Please call to request a work order:
Routine Maintenance Work Orders:
(334) 863-4513Emergency AFTER hours Work Orders:
(334) 321-7525For Police and Fire Emergencies dial 911
Smoking Policy
Smoking is NOT permitted inside the unit. See the Smoke-Free Policy that's included as an addendum to your lease for more information.---
"Zooming with the CEO & Staff" - Join Auburn Housing Authority CEO Sharon Tolbert, Interim Multi-Family Housing Director Carrie Smith, and Interim Public Relations and Compliance Director AJ Harris on a live Zoom Video call on July 8th and July 22nd from 10-11am.
The purpose of this call is to provide time for questions and answers between staff and residents. All residents are invited to join in on this call. For more information contact AJ Harris by phone at 334-821-2262 ext. 242 or by e-mail at
Zoom Meeting ID: 948 9164 4423
Dial-in: 1-301-715-8592
Congratulations RHA Graduate!
Tyvon M. Lewis
Wishing you all the best in the next chapter of your life!