Auburn Forward Spring 2021
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Cover
Auburn Forward
Spring 2021
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - From the CEO
From the CEO
Sharon N. Tolbert, Chief Executive Officer
Welcome to the Spring 2021 edition of the Auburn Forward! The Auburn Housing Authority (AHA) had an eventful first quarter as we implemented and planned for new programs and services. The AHA received its Moving to Work (MTW) designation, completed an application to apply for 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) to redevelop the Ridgecrest community, implemented a Risk Management Program and online rent payments, awarded 2021 Family Self Sufficiency grant, virtual workshops, and the list goes on. The following pages of the Auburn Forward provide additional information regarding new programs and services.
I am grateful to see the COVID-19 infectious rate in Lee County is substantially decreasing. However, due to the continued threat of the virus, the AHA will remain at Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Reopening Plan. Please know our desire is to resume our traditional business operations, but our primary concern is to ensure we protect our clients, staff, and the general public. However, we are accepting appointments! I do apologize for the inconvenience our office closure may have caused and appreciate your continued patience.
As a reminder, COVID-19 waivers offered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) will be expiring soon; therefore, it is imperative that families served by the AHA comply with all program requirements. To secure your housing assistance, I encourage our residents and participants to comply with recertification requirements, report changes in income and household composition as required, fulfill your dwelling lease obligations, pay rent and fees on time, check your mail regularly concerning time-sensitive correspondence regarding your assistance, and other applicable requirements.
Thank you! I want to extend my sincere appreciation to AHA's community partners. Your partnerships allow AHA to provide essential services to our families. Thank you to AHA's Board of Commissioners for your continued support and dedication. I also want to thank AHA's staff for their hard work and commitment.
Although we are starting to see positive changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic, I encourage everyone to remain vigilant and please adhere to the CDC's guidelines in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus. My thoughts and prayers go out to families that have been impacted by the pandemic.
As always, it is my desire that you continue to find the Auburn Forward to be a useful tool to communicate upcoming news, events, and more. For more information, please visit our website at and sign up for "News and More" to receive email and text notifications. Also, be sure to connect with us on social media!
Please stay safe,
Sharon N. Tolbert
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Commissioner's Corner
AHA is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners, representing a cross section of the community and appointed by the Mayor of the City of Auburn. One member must be a resident of an AHA property or program.
The Commissioners are responsible for overseeing the fiscal management of the agency and approving policies. Board members also appoint a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to administer the daily affairs of the housing authority.
Board meetings are held at noon on the last Tuesday of each month. The meeting date is subject to change.
Board of Commissioners
Robert Smith,
ChairpersonNolan Torbert, Sr.,
Vice ChairpersonRene Waldrop,
CommissionerMarguerite White,
CommissionerNot Pictured Deborah Hand,
Resident CommissionerAHA Board Meetings:
Auburn Housing Authority Board Meetings
Date: April 27, May 25, June 29, 2021
Time: 12:00 pm (CST)Location: Zoom
Number: 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 982 2540 9030AHA 5-Year Strategic Plan
The 5-Year Plan is available for review on the AHA's website at
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - ACDC
Under Sharon Tolbert's leadership, the AHA Board of Commissioners approved the Auburn Community Development Corporation (ACDC) as a non-profit affiliate of the AHA on May 7, 2019.
ACDC's mission is "Empowering individuals and families by expanding affordable housing and economic opportunities in an effort to build vibrant neighborhoods and communities."
The ACDC has partnered with the City of Auburn to administer a Food Pantry at the Boykin Community Center. ACDC is also exploring affordable housing opportunities in an effort to expand housing for families in the Auburn community.
Sharon Tolbert, President Marguerite White, Vice President Rene Waldrop, Secretary/Treasurer Robert Smith, Director Nolan Torbert, Director Not Pictured Deborah Hand, Director
ACDC Board Meetings
Date: April 27, May 25, June 29, 2021
Time: 1:00 pm (CST)Location: Zoom
Number: 1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 982 2540 9030
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Human Resources
Employee News & Interim Changes
New Employee
Welcome, Jason McWhorter Maintenance Mechanic hired 3/4/21Greg Moore Interim Regional Maintenance Manager (AHA) Harvey Maddox Interim Maintenance Mechanic (AHA) Shannon Walters Interim Regional Property Manager (LHA & RHA) Vacancies
AHA Maintenance Mechanic
Regional Maintenance Manager
Cashier/ReceptionistTo view the job description and apply, visit:
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Appointments
Now Scheduling Appointments
Due to the ongoing effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 we will be seeing residents by appointment only. Walk-ins are not permitted.
To schedule an appointment:
Housing Choice Voucher Department
334-821-2262 ext. 217
Mondays & Wednesdays 1 pm to 6 pm
Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:30 am to 12:30 pm
Property Management
334-821-2262 ext. 212
Monday & Wednesdays 7:30 am to 12:30 pm
Tuesday & Thursdays 1 pm to 6 pm
PBV Case Worker
Nan McKay & Associates
Stay up to date on news and community resources by liking us on Facebook @AuburnHousing, Twitter Auburn_Housing, and visiting our website at
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Coming Down the Pipe
Moving to Work (MTW) Program
The AHA received the Moving to Work (MTW) designation as part of HUD's MTW Cohort 1 expansion. MTW is a demonstration program for public housing authorities (PHAs) that provides them the opportunity to design and test innovative, locally-designed strategies that use Federal dollars more efficiently, help residents find employment and become self-sufficient, and increase housing choices for low-income families. MTW allows PHAs exemptions from many existing public housing and voucher rules and provides funding flexibility with how they use their HUD funding. PHAs in the MTW demonstration have pioneered a number of innovative policy interventions that have been proven to be successful at the local level, and subsequently rolled out to the rest of the country's PHAs. For more information, please contact Star Snipe, HCV Director at (334) 821-2262 ext. 217 or via email at
Proposed Ridgecrest Redevelopment
The AHA proposes to redevelop the Ridgecrest community. The proposed redevelopment will consist of three phases; Phase 1 (62 units), Phase 2 (44 units), and Phase 3 (senior housing). AHA desires to fund the redevelopment primarily utilizing a 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC). The LIHTC application will be submitted by April 1, 2021, to redevelop 62 of the 106 units at Ridgecrest. Applications are evaluated using a competitive Point Scoring System. If awarded LIHTC, residents currently living at Ridgecrest will continue to live at the redeveloped site. For more information, please contact Carrie Smith, Multi-Family Housing Director at (334) 821-2262 ext. 243 or via email at
Risk Management Program
The Risk Management Program (RMP) aims to mitigate, prevent, and reduce the organization's liabilities by engaging employees and residents in education-centered programs. AHA will create informative and educational opportunities for residents to learn about the general risk associated with residing in the authority's property. Educational opportunities will consist of virtual and in-person training session options. Training sessions developed for common risks will include an assessment component. AHA will work to acquire an affordable rental insurance option to offer to residents. For more information, please contact AJ Harris, Public Relations and Compliance Director at (334) 821-2262 ext. 210 or via email at
HCV Homeownership Program
AHA's Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program (HCVP HOP) permits eligible participants in the Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) the option of purchasing a home with their housing assistance rather than renting. Eligible applicants for the HCVP HOP must have completed an initial lease term of at least one year, may not owe AHA or any other Housing Authority an outstanding debt, and must meet the eligibility criteria. For more information, please contact Star Snipe, HCV Director at (334) 821-2262 ext. 221 or via email at
City of Auburn Affordable Housing Subdivision, Tucker Heights
The City of Auburn and North Auburn Housing Development Corporation (NAHDC), works to increase homeownership opportunities for all citizens and to create neighborhood stability. NAHDC developed the Northwest Village Subdivision in 2006 and has been working since its completion to increase capacity, secure land, and begin another affordable housing subdivision in Auburn. In 2019, work began to prepare the Tucker Heights Subdivision at the corner of Byrd St. and Tucker Ave. This new affordable housing development will provide seven new homes, built through NAHDC at a rate of one to two homes per year until completion.
For more information, please contact the City of Auburn's Community Services Department at (334) 501-7280 or via email at
Things to Come
Resident Internet (Coming 2021) - The authority will supply residents with free internet access.
Compliance Cameras (Coming 2021) - The authority will install compliance cameras throughout each of the properties.Dates Subject to Change.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Thank You
As CEO of the Auburn Housing Authority (AHA), I want to express my sincere gratitude to the City of Auburn (City) for your continued support and commitment to AHA. Since I began my career at AHA, the City has ALWAYS been there to assist and lend a helping hand.
I know first-hand the City's staff has gone "above and beyond the call of duty" to assist AHA with its quest to apply for the 2021 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) application in hopes of redeveloping the Ridgecrest community. I want to thank everyone for taking time out of your busy schedule to respond to numerous emails, attend impromptu meetings, and everything in between to assist with AHA's LIHTC application. I also want to thank the Planning
Commission and City Council for approving AHA's zoning request and the City Council's approval for the Section 108 Loan.The AHA is fortunate to have the backing of its municipality and I cannot say enough how much I appreciate the City's support and continued partnership with AHA.
-Sharon Tolbert, CEO
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Talk With Us Tuesdays
Join us for a variety of classes this April directly from your phone, computer, or tablet! View the workshop schedule below and contact Resident Services Coordinator, Charlotte Mattox at 334-821-2262 ext. 230 for more information!
VIVA and Medicare/Medicaid Information Zoom-shop
Join us as Leigh Andress, VIVA Representative discusses free programs offered through VIVA and the most recent updates to Medicare and Medicaid Programs. Walmart Gift Cards will be given away as door prizes for the residents who attend.
When: April 6, 2021 - 2:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 960 2048 4484
Curb Appeal Zoom-Shop/Conference Call
Join us as Carrie Smith, Auburn Housing Authority's Multi-Family Housing Director provides valuable insight on how to make budget-friendly improvements to your unit.
When: April 13, 2021 - 2:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 913 1054 3480
ACDC Food Pantry
Join us as AJ Harris, Auburn Housing Authority's Director of Public Relations and Compliance provides information on the Auburn Community Development Corporation (ACDC) Food Pantry.
When: April 20, 2021 - 2:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 995 4768 7560
GED and Career Pathway Program
Join us as June Abercrombie, Director of Southern Union's Adult Education Program discusses the Career Pathways Program. Career Pathway is a dual enrollment program designed for adults and students to simultaneously earn their GED and a certificate. Career Pathways provides resources including financial aid and job assistance.
When: April 27, 2021 - 2:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 939 5868 7030
Stay updated on community resources, resident programs, job opportunities, scholarships, and more by liking, following, and engaging with us on social media!
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Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Health Screenings
Health & Wellness Screenings
Thank you to Auburn University for providing onsite health screenings for residents on Friday, February 26th. Students and staff from the nursing, pharmacy, social work, and nutrition conducted screenings and offered valuable information to AHA and community residents.
Auburn University students are providing free Health and Wellness Screenings on Fridays, March 12 through April 16, at the new Auburn University Health Care and Education Clinic at the Boykin Community Center. Conducting the screenings are Auburn students in pharmacy, nursing, social work, and nutrition.
Free Health and Wellness Screenings on Fridays
March 12, March 19, March 26, April 2, April 9, and April 16
Screenings: 8 - 10 a.m.COVID Testing: 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Screenings May Include
•Evaluation of health
•Blood pressure
•Blood sugar
•Weight and BMIMay Also Include:
•COVID-19 Testing
•Medication review
•Assistance with community resourcesThe Health and Wellness Screenings will take place at the Auburn University Health Care and Education Clinic. The clinic is located at:
• 400 Boykin Street, Suite 700
• Suite 700 is at the north end of the Boykin Community CenterWho is eligible to come: The Auburn University Health Care and Education Clinic is open to anyone in the Auburn/Opelika community that would like to participate in the free health and wellness screening. There is no cost to attend.
COVID Precautions: All students and faculty will be masked, sanitized, and maintain appropriate social distance when possible.
For attendees, masks will be required, sanitizing materials will be made available. Rooms will be sanitized before and after each patient is seen.
For More Information:
Call: 334-844-8911
Visit: University is an equal opportunity educational institution/employer.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Supply Bags
Covid-19 Supply Bag Distribution
Helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19 is one of our top priorities. Because of this, we have utilized some of our funding to provide our residents with Covid-19 supplies. Hand sanitizer and face masks are necessities these days and our residents continue to be grateful for the resources they are receiving. Allowing residents the opportunity to conduct these tasks onsite was not only beneficial but convenient. With the pandemic, we did require social distancing and masks to be worn, but the overall turnout was a success.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Resident Advisory Board
Stacy Sanspree
What site do you live at? Sparkman
How many years have you been a resident? 21 years
What do you like to do in your free time? She likes to sew.
What's your favorite color? Blue/Green-Aqua
How would your friends describe you? Kind and helpful.
What's your favorite TV Show? Doesn't watch TV that much.
What's your favorite singer? Chris Young
What's your favorite meal/restaurant/ food? Southern Cooking/Cabbage Roll.
What is one interesting fact about yourself? She has an Art
and Science degree and is a certified electrician.
What's your favorite animal? Cat
Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Goldie Hawn
What's your favorite movie? Fast and Furious
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be? Travel along Route 66.
What do you want residents to know about you as a RAB Member? She would like to help the residents.---
Join the Resident Advisory Board
Are you looking for a way to impact your community? Do you enjoy representing your community? Do you enjoy interacting with other people? If you can answer yes to these questions, then the Resident Advisory Board (RAB) may be a good fit for you. RAB meets once a month to provide recommendations and feedback to Housing Authority staff. Please contact AJ Harris, Director of Public Relations and Compliance, at 334-821-2262 ext. 210 or via e-mail at to get more information.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Resident Spotlight
Kiiesha Tolbert
Ridgecrest resident Kiiesha Tolbert leaves the house each morning at 6:50 am to head to her post at North Donahue and Cary Drive's intersection. Kiiesha, the Drake Middle School Crossing Guard, works her post from 7:10 to 8:15 in the morning and the afternoon from 2:55 to 4:00. If you travel down North Donahue during this time, you have likely encountered Kiiesha's patterned smile, finger point, or thumbs up.
Kiiesha started as a crossing guard two years ago and was trained at Auburn Junior High before being transferred to Drake Middle School. Whether it is raining, freezing cold, or scorching hot, Kiiesha is always stationed at her post with a smile. When asked what motivates her, Kiiesha says, "The community support." Kiiesha enjoys seeing the kids, parents, teachers, and residents reciprocate the love she exhibits. Hearing the horns honk, seeing all waving hands, and smiling faces all provide her motivation. Kiiesha's smile is infectious to all that pass through the intersection. When asked what keeps her smile on her face, she states, "I know that other people may need that smile, and I like to be the boost that starts their day off right."
When she is not working as a crossing guard, Kiiesha is known as a sweetheart and quiet person who likes to meet new people. She has two boys who keep her really busy. Kiiesha likes to play basketball, going to the park, and taking her boys on trips (when it is not a pandemic). She has been a resident of Ridgecrest for four years.
Next time you are traveling down North Donahue Drive in the morning or afternoon, make sure you look for Kiiesha. You will not want to miss her smile, finger point, and thumbs up. It will surely bring a smile to your face and brighten your day.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Money for College
- The 2021 HAI Group Resident Scholarship Program is open for submissions! This year, 20 people will be awarded scholarships valued at $6,000 each! Entry forms must be submitted by Friday, April 30, 2021.
- 2021 High School Student Memorial Scholarship
To: All African American Graduating Seniors from these schools:
Auburn High School, Beauregard High School, Beulah High School,
Loachapoka High School, Opelika High School
Deadline: Friday, April 23
- If you are age 16-24 out of school and need help finding a job and planning your future, Circle of Care Center for Families is eager to help. Email: to learn more!
Contact Charlotte Mattox via e-mail at or via phone at 334-821-2262 ext. 230 for scholarship application assistance.
Visit our College Resource page for more scholarship information.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Girls Step
Career Expo & Luncheon -Girls Edition (Middle & High School Student)
Saturday, April 24th from 10 AM - 2 PM
Career Expo
Participants will meet with women from various career fields to discuss their educational paths and current responsibilities. Representation from all 16 Career Clusters identified by the Alabama Department of Education will be present.College Panel
Participants will have a Q&A with current college students to discuss student life, 2yr/4yr options, Greek life, and more...Auburn Marriott Opelika Resort & Spa @ Grand National
3700 Robert Trent Jones Trail, Opelika, AL 36801Register Online at
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - School Supplies
Earlier this year we partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lee County to provide school supplies alongside "Club on the Go Kits" to over 240 youth residents. We hope these school supplies will help each of you finish the school year strong. We commend you all for handling many of the changes brought on by the Covid-19 Pandemic. Education can provide you with opportunities to achieve whatever goals you desire in life. Continue to strive to achieve academic excellence. Please know that your Auburn Housing Authority staff is here to assist you.
Be sure to access a list of youth programming on our website at
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Word Search
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - GoSection8
Auburn Housing Authority (AHA) has partnered with, to provide rental listing services. Listings are available to voucher holders seeking residential dwellings in the private market. This service provides full support to owners and tenants. Voucher holders are able to quickly locate available units, and owners are able to list properties in detail. Auburn Housing Authority does not guarantee the accuracy of the units listed. These units are not preapproved and each unit selected by a voucher holder will be required to pass an inspection. Please contact the owners/property managers for further information on these units.
All AHA PBV/TBV applications will now be completed and updated at Please contact our office at 334-821-2262 ext. 212 with any questions and/or concerns. Contact for questions concerning applying or updating your application via their website at or by phone (toll-free) at 1-866-466-7328.
Landlords/Property Managers/Agents
Register to list your available units. These listings will be accessed by voucher holders online, or by calling a toll-free number. You can register online at or by phone (toll-free) at 1-866-466-7328.AHA Landing Page:
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Landlord Corner
A friendly reminder that McCright Inspection Company will automatically schedule a re-inspection for failed HQS inspections. Please review the letters for important information about dates and adverse actions taken for non-compliance.
Address Change
If you move, remember to report your new address to our office in writing. Also, report changes in anticipated changes of ownership as soon as possible. You must advise us before you sell the property rented to a voucher holder. There is paperwork that must be done to adjust ownership and rental assistance.
Lease Renewal
Landlords: If you are entering into a new lease at the annual renewal, you must provide a copy of the new proposed lease prior to the tenant signing the lease. If you have questions about the program, don't guess, please call the Housing Choice Voucher Office Program (HCVP) at (334) 821-2262 ext. 217. Thank you for partnering with Auburn Housing Authority (AHA) to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing for low-income families.
Safe Communities
Do you know what to do if you suspect fraud or criminal activity occurring at an HCVP assisted home? You can do your part to help keep your community safe by using the link below to report fraudulent or criminal activity.
Domestic Violence
Did you know the HCVP has housing preferences for homeless families and victims of domestic violence? If you are being assisted by or receiving assistance from a homeless shelter and/or are a victim of domestic violence, you may qualify for additional points to be housed. The agency that is assisting you would only need to provide a letter verifying your need on their letterhead with a signature stating that you are being assisted by their agency. The letter needs to be faxed, mailed, or hand delivered by that agency to the HCVP office.
Report Changes
Participants of the HCV Program are required to submit all changes in writing within 10 calendar days. These changes may include loss of employment, new employment, updated phone numbers and emails and change in student status. Landlords who are aware of an unauthorized individual residing in the home should contact the HCVP Department immediately. Updating household information is vital to keeping your HCVP participation in good standing. The voucher size is based on household composition. Families receive deductions for dependents. It is very important to keep this updated.
Landlord Incentive Program
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program has developed a Landlord Incentive Program aimed at:
Supporting, retaining, and recruiting new Landlords to the HCV program
To increase the number of units available for HCV families to rent
To increase the lease-up success rates for vouchers issued
To increase the overall voucher utilization rate for the Auburn Housing Authority (AHA)
The HCV (Section 8) program has some exciting new incentives for Landlords to include the following.Signing Bonus (New Landlord Incentive Payment)
$500 signing bonus will be available for Landlords that signs a new Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract with AHA allowing a Section 8 family to move into one of their available units. Landlords that have not contracted with AHA since January 2018 are eligible.
Re-Rent Bonus (Vacancy Payments)
Landlords are eligible for up to 2 months of vacancy rental payments for vacancies that occur between Section 8 participants. Payments are available to Landlords that re-rent to another Section 8 participant within 60 days of occupancy.
Rent now, inspect later
Landlords are able to defer inspections by self-certifying the health and safety of their property, and allow tenants to move immediately. The AHA is required to inspect all Section 8 units. Landlords who elect to defer inspections will have their properties inspected by October 31, 2020.
Application Expenses
Financial assistance up to $25 may be paid directly to Landlords to cover application costs.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - HCV Programs
Tenant-Based Vouchers (TBV)
Auburn Housing Authority's (AHA) Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Tenant Base Voucher (TBV) Program allows low-income families to rent quality housing in the private market via federal funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Through the HCV Program, AHA pays a portion of eligible families' rent each month directly to the property owner. Families can use their vouchers to rent a house or apartment in the private market throughout Lee County, with the exception of the city limits of Opelika, AL. You must contact Opelika Housing Authority for assistance in that area. Because there are more families who need rental assistance than there are funds available, AHA uses a waiting list to administer the program to eligible families.
Applicant families must meet the following eligibility requirements to qualify for the HCV Program:
• Meet HUD's definition of family
• Meet income limits specified by HUD
• Qualify on the basis of citizenship or eligible immigrant status
• Provide Social Security number
• Sign required consent forms
• Pass screening processCurrently AHA's tenant-based voucher waiting list is closed. AHA will provide notice through a variety of media outlets when it reopens. To learn more call (334) 821-2262 ext. 267.
Project-Based Vouchers (PBV)
PBV is similar to Tenant Base Vouchers. However, the differences between the two are PBV assistance is tied to the unit, and once HCV determines eligibility for the PBV, the applicant is then referred to the PBV landlord to determine if the applicant is suitable for tenancy. The waitlist is currently open for bedroom sizes 3-5.
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH)
The VASH program combines HUD's Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance for homeless Veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating Veterans at VA medical centers (VAMCs), community-based outreach clinics (CBOCs), through VA contractors, or through other VA designated entities. If you are a Veteran and wish to utilize the VASH voucher, please contact the Central Alabama Health Care System (CAVHCS) at 334-727-0550 or 800-214-8387.
Mainstream Vouchers
Mainstream vouchers assist non-elderly persons with disabilities. Aside from serving a special population, Mainstream vouchers are administered using the same rules as other Housing Choice Vouchers. Funding and financial reporting for Mainstream vouchers are separate from the regular tenant-based voucher program. AHA's Mainstream waiting list is closed. AHA will provide notice through a variety of media outlets when it reopens.
Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI)
HUD's FYI targets housing assistance to young people aging out of foster care and who are at extreme risk of experiencing homelessness. The initiative offers housing vouchers to local public housing authorities to prevent or end homelessness among young adults under the age of 25 who are, or have recently left, the foster care system without a home to go to. Eligible applicants must be referred to AHA by the Alabama Department of Human Resources. If you are a foster youth that is about to age out of foster care and wish to utilize the FYI voucher, please contact the Alabama Department of Human Resources at (334) 242-1310.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - More HCV Programs
Homeownership Program
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) homeownership program allows families that are assisted under the Tenant Base Voucher (TBV) program to use their voucher to buy a home and receive monthly assistance in meeting homeownership expenses.
The HCV homeownership program is available only to families that have been admitted to the TBV program. To participate in the HCV homeownership program, the HCV family must meet specific income and employment requirements (the employment requirement does not apply to elderly and disabled families), be a first-time homeowner as defined in the regulation, attend and satisfactorily complete the pre-assistance homeownership and housing counseling program required by AHA, and meet any additional eligibility requirements set by the AHA. If you are a current TBV participant and wish to utilize the homeownership program, please contact your caseworker.
Natasha Hall, TBV Caseworker
Ph.: (334) 821-2262 ext. 267
Email: nhall@auburnhousingauth.orgLaura Squiers, FSS Coordinator
Ph.: (334) 821-2262 ext. 224
Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS)
The FSS program is a HUD workforce program offered to participant families. The goal of FSS is to assist participants to increase their income in order to decrease their reliance on housing subsidies. Because we recognize that true self-sufficiency means more than simply an increase in earned income, AHA's program focuses on all barriers.
The FSS Program provides participants with individualized case management, referrals to resources and services, educational workshops, and guidance in goal setting and achievement over a five-year period. The program is completely voluntary. If you are interested in the FSS program, please contact the FSS Coordinator.
Laura Squiers, FSS Coordinator
Ph.: (334) 821-2262 ext. 224
Email: lsquiers@auburnhousingauth.orgTo Learn More About Our HCV Programs Visit:
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Resident Corner
Resident Notice
The Auburn Housing Authority's (AHA) mission is to provide safe, decent and affordable housing for families. The AHA's Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program is funded by the federal government and AHA must comply with the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) regulations and AHA's internal policies and procedures. AHA encourages families to comply with the following requirements to maintain their housing assistance.
a. Comply with your annual recertification requirements and submit the requested information by the deadline.
b. Report all changes in income and household composition.
c. Comply with your landlord's dwelling lease.
d. Comply with all written requests that are submitted by the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Department and forward the requested information by the deadline.
Not complying with the requirements above may result in the termination of your assistance or eviction. The list above is not all inclusive.
If you have questions about your HCV assistance, please contact the HCV Department at (334) 821-2262 ext. 217.
Project-Based Voucher Case Management
Nan McKay and Associates (NMA) provide case management services for Auburn Housing Authority's Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program. NMA provides case management services for families that reside in the following communities:
AHA Development LLC (AHA's affiliate)
-East Park
-PorterIf you have questions about your assistance, you may contact NMA's Customer Service at (334) 456-3811 or
HCV Updates
Staff members are working remotely and in office to process interim recertification's for loss of wages and income decreases in the order received. Delays may occur. Please continue to report these changes by emailing your respective Caseworker.
-Participants are not required to report stimulus funding to LHA.
-However, you must request an extension before your voucher expires. Please contact with questions concerning your Tenant Base Voucher (TBV).
-All transfer requests and vacate notices from current participants are being reviewed. HCV staff will contact participants and landlords to determine the next steps on a case-by-case basis.
-Issuance of new vouchers will resume. Briefings will be conducted via phone. An appointment letter will be sent to applicants with instructions.
-Landlords payments will continue to be processed without interruption.
-Current participants are still required to report all household income and composition changes. Please send emails to the respective caseworker.
-Available units known to AHA are listed under the Locations tab at
If you have any questions please contact the HCV Department at (334) 821-2262 ext. 217.
Nan Mckay (PBV Caseworker) -
Natasha Hall (HCV Caseworker) - nhall@auburnhousingauth.orgWe are here to serve you.
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - More Resident Corner
Food Pantry
Auburn Community Development Corporation (ACDC) is partnering with the City of Auburn to open a Food Pantry within the Boykin Community Center. The ACDC Food Pantry will be stocked with dry goods. Participants will be able to schedule an appointment to come in and select food.
Please email or call Charlotte Mattox, at 334-821-2262 ext. 230 to schedule your appointment.
FREE Credit Reports
Get One FREE Credit Report WEEKLY! Through the COVID-19 Aid CARES Act, each person is now able to get one free credit report PER WEEK from EACH of the three credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, Equifax) through, enabling you to check your reports for accuracy and identity theft.
To learn more about protecting your finances, visit:
Health Centers
Are you in need of a care provider? Residents can find a Health Center through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration via
These health centers are community-based and patient-directed organizations that deliver high-quality primary health care services.
FREE Transportation Services Available for AHA Residents:
Need transportation to:
Job/Employment Training
Drug Testing or Assessment Testing
Educational Courses for Job TrainingTo qualify for the Job Access & Reverse Commute Program:
You must be a current "low-income" resident of Auburn Housing Authority PBV or HCV and you must meet the requirements on the "Eligibility and Affirmation for TANF" form.You may be able to qualify by a combination of the following three (3) criteria: your Size of Family Unit, Gross Monthly Income, and Gross Annual Income.
Residents who would like to receive FREE transportation assistance need to schedule an appointment with Charlotte Mattox to determine eligibility for this program by calling (334) 821-2262 ext. 230.
Job Opportunities
Looking for a job? Goodwill Industries of the Southern Rivers has compiled a comprehensive list of businesses hiring in our area.
View the list here:
Find the perfect job for you and apply!
Connect with us on Facebook @auburnhousing & Twitter @Auburn_housing
Auburn Forward Spring 2021 - Resident News
Rent PaymentAHA Development LLC Rent: Rent is due the 1st of each month, late after the 6th. If the last day to pay rent falls upon a day the Authority is closed (weekend or holiday) then residents have the next business day to pay rent. If rent is late 14 days, the resident may be in jeopardy of being evicted. Please pay your rent on time to eliminate late fees and possible eviction! Rent Payment Drop Box is available 24/7 at the Ridgecrest Administrative Office.
Rental Insurance
Residents are encouraged to obtain rental insurance. Rental insurance helps to protect your belongings after a covered loss.--
An emergency work order will be completed and mitigated within twenty-four (24) hours. If a situation is determined to not be an emergency, the resident will be informed that the request will be considered as "any other resident work order request". Normal work orders will be resolved within 3 business days. Emergency Work Orders are when the situation constitutes a serious threat to the life, safety or health of resident(s) or staff; or the situation will cause serious damage to the property, property structure or systems if not repaired within twenty-four (24) hours. Examples of a work order emergency are:-Broken exterior door lock
-Loss of power - mechanical failure
-Broken water line
-Loose or falling ceiling
-No A/C (when the outside temperature is 90 degrees or above)
-No Heat (when the outside temperature is less than 35 degrees)
Mark Ellis
Regional Maintenance Manager
Phone: (334) 821-2262 ext 262
For Police and Fire Emergencies dial 911
Smoking Policy
Smoking is NOT permitted inside the unit. See the Smoke-Free Policy that's included as an addendum to your lease for more information.---
Now Accepting Online Rent Payments!
Residents can now pay rent online using a debit/credit card. Rent payments made online will not incur any transaction fees.AHA
To make online payments visit
Zooming with Housing Staff
We're looking forward to answering your questions and providing you updates! Use the links below to connect with us!
Tuesday, April 20th, 2021 at 11 am
Zoom Meeting ID: 934 4891 1515
Dial IN: 1-301-715-8592
Don't forget April 15th is Tax Day! Visit to file Alabama state taxes for free.