Cooling Assistance Appointments
Get Help Paying Your Energy Bill!
Lee County Cooling Assistance Appointments Begin June 3, 2024.
Cooling assistance appointments are made through our website ( or by phone at 334-246-5266. After making your appoint-ment, please upload all of your documentation through our portal (LITTLite) located on our website. Paper applications are accepted only for clients who are 65 and older.
Information from the ACHR website:
(334) 246-5266 follow the instructions. You may call at any time, including at night, since this is an automated line.
Energy Assistance appointment calls are taken only when we have funds available during the heating or cooling season.
If you prefer, you can use the on-line appointment system. Click on the link: (or drop the address into your browser line).
Alabama Council on Human Relations, Inc.
950 Shelton Mill Road
Auburn, AL 36830