New Logos, Brand & Website Launching in September 2017 for Auburn, LaFayette & Roanoke Housing Authorities
The Auburn, LaFayette and Roanoke Housing Authorities were recently rebranded with new logos. The logo designs were created by Brooks Jeffrey Marketing, Inc. ( and will be used on the new responsive website launching September 2017 (
The goal of the new logo designs was to incorporate the very familiar orange and blue that is accustomed to the Auburn community and ties the look of all three housing authorities together. The new logos are easily identifiable & easy to read. Importantly, the new logos will be easy to reproduce on a variety of marketing/promotional products to further promote the Housing Authorities.
Brooks Jeffrey Marketing, based in Mountain Home, Arkansas, was awarded the contract for the new responsive website. Established in 1984, Brooks Jeffrey Marketing provides integrated marketing solutions: advertising, branding, photography, public relations, promotional items, websites & social media campaigns to businesses, government entities & non-profits throughout the US. Brooks Jeffrey offers customized integrated marketing solutions to Housing Authorities. (
The new “responsive” website, launching September 2017, will include the new logos, branding and colors. This new responsive website will allow users to easily navigate the website no matter what device is used in viewing the website (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone).
Some of the features/functions on the new site include:
● Residents pages including resident programs, family self-sufficiency (FSS), maintenance work orders, FAQ’s, and resources
● Housing, HCV/Section 8 and Landlord pages including a form to submit a property for consideration in the landlord program
● Publishing to subscribers via text/email - a great way to stay informed about things happening in all three Housing Authorities
● Sign Up for News - Those interested in subscribing can sign up on the website & can also (at any time) change their subscription or unsubscribe
● Share Feature - All pages of the website can be “shared” using the “share widget” at the top of the website. Share options include sharing via email, social media, printing and more
● Social media integration, so content added to the site can be posted to social media without leaving the admin section of the website
● Quick links in the header for the Housing Authorities social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn)
● Calendar with specific categories for all three Housing Authorities
● Calendar feeds five events to the home page with quick links to the complete interactive alendar
● E-News feed from the home page for quick review of the three latest news articles posted on the site
● Procurement and Resources
● Locations Map – Find housing properties in your area by type of property
All residents, landlords and the general public are encouraged to visit the site and sign up for news & notifications. Website administrators will be able to publish to the subscriber list important information including upcoming events, news and more. The new site will be updated continually, often weekly, with new information that will benefit all residents, landlords and the public at large.
For more information about the new Auburn, LaFayette and Roanoke Housing Authority, logos, branding or website, please contact Sharon Tolbert, CEO at 334.821.2262 or .
RELEASE DATE: September 18, 2017
For more information, contact:
Sharon Tolbert, CEO, Auburn Housing Authority
931 Booker Street, Auburn, AL 36832
334.821.2262 l