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The Auburn Housing Authority has resumed normal business operations. As we continue to minimize the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID 19), we encourage appointments, and the following procedures are in place to ensure public safety. 

  1. Changes in income or family composition must be reported within ten calendar days of the change. Changes may be reported in writing or by providing two consecutive check stubs to the HCV Department. Participants may submit their income or composition change via email to the HCV Manager, Shannon Walters, at  
  2. Meetings with caseworkers will take place in their respective offices. Additional people will not be allowed to participate in the meeting unless requested explicitly as a reasonable accommodation. 
  3. Small group appointments will be limited to six people or less and will take place in AHA's multipurpose room. Due to limits on the number of people, additional people will not be allowed unless they are specifically included in the family's household. 
  4. Appointments will begin on time. Anyone arriving more than 15 minutes late will not be able to complete their appointment, and it will be considered a missed appointment. 
  5. The HCV Department will sanitize the office space and the Multipurpose Room areas where clients sit after each appointment.

All visitors are required to wear a mask. Your temperature will be checked upon entry to the AHA or LHA Administrative offices. 

If you or anyone in your family is a person with disabilities and requires a specific accommodation to utilize our programs and services fully, please contact the housing authority.

Click to see our agency COVID-19 Resource Pages And the HUD Related compliance and information regarding COVID at