AHA Selected to Participate in HUD's Cohort Moving to Work Expansion
The Auburn Housing Authority (AHA) has been selected to participate in the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) cohort #1 of the Moving to Work expansion. This notification represents our intent to participate in the MTW demonstration and of our desire to receive public input on the plan development.
Participation in the MTW expansion will allow AHA to develop local policies to enhance our resident/ participant's self-sufficiency outcomes, improve access and availability of housing, and implement evidence-base strategies that promote program efficiency and efficacy. We are excited for this opportunity. AHA has scheduled two resident/participant information and input meetings to be held by phone. Open to all Housing Choice Voucher program participants, participating in the TBV and PBV programs. The meetings will be held on the following dates.
October 5 at 4:00 PM (Meeting Access code: 2046326)
October 12 at 4:00 PM (Meeting Access code: 2046326)
To provide input at these meetings, please call 1-701-802-5053**
Enter Meeting Access code when prompted.
A public comment meeting on the draft plan is also scheduled for November 9 at 4:00 PM on the same number provided above. We will post publicly as additional opportunities become available. We will also be connecting with our community partners as plans develop. If you have any questions concerning the MTW expansion, please contact Star Snipe, HCV Director at 334-821-2262 ext. 221 or spaschal@auburnhousinguath.org
For more on the MTW expansion, visit our website at www.auburnhousingauth.org.
For a printable version of this notice, please click here.
**Click here to read and/or download questions from MTW Input Meetings.