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RHA Meetings - 03/10/2022


The Board of Commissioner's Regular Meeting

March 10, 2022

The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Roanoke, Alabama met on Thursday, March 10, 2022 via Zoom due to the COVID19 pandemic. The Zoom link and call-in information are below.

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Meeting ID: 957 4155 3268
Passcode: 061021
Phone: (312) 626-6799


The Board of Commissioner's Regular Meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm by Chairperson Paula Lambert. Sharon Tolbert, CEO acted as Secretary/Treasurer.

The Board had a moment of silence in memory to Mr. Michael Watkins.


Present: Paula Lambert, Sarah Nunn, and Alton Joiner
Others Present: Sharon Tolbert (Secretary/Treasurer), Sandra Sanders (Staff), Wendy Cochran (Staff), and Brandy Lofton (Auditor).

Absent: Patrice Awbrey
There was a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.


Chairperson Lambert asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert requested to move Resolution FYE2022-005 (FYE2021 Audit Report) after Public Comments. Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve the revised Agenda.  Commissioner Joiner moved that the revised Agenda be approved. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the revised Agenda approved.


Chairperson Lambert asked if there were any changes to the September 2, 2021, Regular Meeting Minutes and November 18, 2021, Special Meeting Minutes. Hearing none, Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve the September 2, 2021, and November 18, 2021 Minutes. Commissioner Joiner moved that the Minutes be approved as received. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the Minutes approved.


There were no public comments.

FYE2021 Audit Report Presentation

Brandy Lofton reviewed the FYE2021 audit report on behalf of Rector, Lofton & Reeder. The Board was provided a copy of the audit. Ms. Lofton stated there were no FYE2021 findings. Ms. Lofton was very complimentary of AHA and RHA's staff during the audit and RHA's overall FYE2021 audit results. There was various dialogue regarding the audit. Ms. Lofton left the meeting after the audit was reviewed and questions answered. See approval under New Business.


A. General Fund: June 2021 - November 2021
Commissioners were provided a copy of the detailed June 2021 - November 2021 financial reports via email. The Income and Expense Comparison Report and Board Operating Statement/Budget Report were available at the meeting. COO, Wendy Cochran, reviewed the financial reports and asked if there were questions.

B. Capital Fund Program (CFP) Reports
Commissioners were given a copy of the CFP 2018 - 2021 grant reports. COO, Wendy Cochran, reviewed the grant balances. It was reported the grant balances will be drawn as part of the RAD PBRA closing.

A copy of the financial reports is attached and made a part of the Minutes.


A. RAD Update
Commissioners were provided an update of the RAD PBRA closing. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the timeline. It is estimated RHA will close its RAD transaction by December 31, 2022.

B. COVID-19 Update Report
The Board was provided a copy of the COVID-19 Update Report. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report.

A copy of the Unfinished Business reports is attached and made a part of the Minutes.


A. Resolution FYE2022-004: Memorial Resolution - Mr. Michael Watkins

Resolution FYE2022-004 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert stated the resolution is to honor the memory of Mr. Michael Watkins and to recognize his distinguished service, loyalty, and dedication to the Roanoke Housing Authority.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-004. Commissioner Joiner moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

B. Resolution FYE2022-005: FYE2021 Audit Report

Resolution FYE2022-005 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert stated the resolution is to accept the FYE2021 audit report.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-005. Commissioner Nunn moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Joiner seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

C. Resolution FYE2022-006: FYB2022 HUD PHA Annual Plan
Resolution FYE2022-006 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the FYB2022 HUD Annual Plan.

Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the HUD submission document and supporting documentation. It was also reported the Plan was reviewed by the Resident Advisory Board and a Public Hearing was held. There was various discussion regarding the draft Plan.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-006. Commissioner Joiner moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

D. Resolution FYE2022-007: FYB2022 - FYB2026 5-Year CFP/EPIC Rolling Plan and FYB2022 Action Plan

Resolution FYE2022-007 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the FYB2022 - FYB2026 5-Year CFP/EPIC Rolling Plan and FYB2022 Action Plan. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the Plan. It was also reported the Plan was reviewed by the Resident Advisory Board and a Public Hearing was held. There was various discussion regarding the draft Plan.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-007. Commissioner Joiner moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

E. Resolution FYE2022-008: ACOP Revision
Resolution FYE2022-008 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the ACOP revisions. The revisions were reviewed. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert asked if there were any questions.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-008. Commissioner Joiner moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

F. Resolution FYE2022-009: Public Housing Dwelling Lease Revision
Resolution FYE2022-009 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the Public Housing Dwelling Lease Revision: Rent Collection Policy Addendum. The revisions were reviewed. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert asked if there were any questions.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-009. Commissioner Nunn moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Joiner seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

G. Resolution FYE2022-010: Tenant Write-Offs
Resolution FYE2022-010 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the RHA's tenant write-offs in the amount of $971.00. The write-offs were reviewed. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert asked if there were any questions.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-010. Commissioner Nunn moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Joiner seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

H. Resolution FYE2022-011: FYE2022 PHA HUD Waiver
Resolution FYE2022-011 was introduced by Chairperson Lambert. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the FYE2022 PHA HUD Waiver to request a PHAS score waiver for fiscal year ending 2022, due to factors beyond the RHA's control that could potentially result in a decline in scoring because of the COVID19 pandemic.

Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2022-011. Commissioner Joiner moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Nunn seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Lambert declared the resolution approved.

I. Next Meeting
The next Board meeting will be held on June 9, 2022, at 5:30 pm.
A copy of the New Business resolutions and supporting information is attached and made a part of the Minutes.


A. Multifamily Housing Department: Property Management Division
Commissioners were given a copy of the Property Management Report which covered activities through February 2022. 

Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report. It was reported that staff are developing a plan to improve occupancy rates.

B. Multifamily Housing Department: Maintenance Division
Commissioners were given a copy of the Maintenance Report which covered activities through February 2022. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report.

C. Miscellaneous
Commissioners were given a copy of the Miscellaneous Report. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report. Commissioners stated that they have received various complaints about trash being dumped near Avenue A and Seymour. Secretary/Treasurer/CEO Tolbert she will review the complaint and follow up. There was also discussion regarding the Commissioner's email preference and the upcoming resident event.

Secretary/CEO Tolbert thanked the Board for attending the meeting.
A copy of all of the departmental reports are attached and made a part of the Minutes.


There being no further business, Chairperson Lambert asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Nunn made a motion to adjourn; Commissioner Joiner seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 6:41 pm.