Smoke Detector RequirementÂ
To: Housing Authority Executive Director
From: Lyndon Baker, OHDi Inspection Supervisor
Date: March 21, 2023
-To inform the Housing Agencies of New NSPIRE smoke detector requirement
-To make landlords aware of OHDI implementation process
-To assure landlords are in compliance prior to October 1, 2023
OHDi wants to assist housing authorities and landlords in making a smooth transition from the current HQS requirements to the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE). On July 1, 2023, OHDi will implement a companywide policy in accordance with meeting the NSPIRE requirements. We ask that the housing authority share the important information below with the landlords.
NSPIRE will require a smoke detector in each sleeping area, outside each sleeping area, and on each level. In other words, in every bedroom and in the hall or other room outside of each bedroom and on each level. (Currently, HQS requires only one working smoke detector on each living level of a unit). The expected implementation date for NSPIRE is July 1, 2023, for public housing and October 1, 2023, for HCV, PBV, and Multi-Family housing units.
Our inspectors are currently failing public housing and Multi-Family units that don't comply with the NSPIRE requirements. On July 1, 2023, OHDI inspectors will begin failing HCV and PBV units that don't comply with the NSPIRE requirements.
During this transition, we will continue to fail existing smoke detectors that are missing or inoperable as an emergency fail item requiring repair within 24 hours. From July 1, 2023, until October 1, 2023, smoke detectors missing in the sleeping area and outside the sleeping area (HCV and PBV units) will be recorded as a non-emergency failed item, allowing up to 30 days for installation of the additional smoke detectors. After October 1, 2023, smoke detectors missing in each sleeping area and outside the sleeping area will be reported as an emergency fail item requiring repair within 24 hours.
Sent by,
Dana Toub
OHDi Administrator
(334) 774-8210 ext. 2035
Alt. (334) 375-9900