AHA Minutes - 06/30/2020
The Board of Commissioner's Annual Meeting
June 30, 2020
The Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Auburn, Alabama met on Tuesday, June 30, 2020 via Zoom due to COVID-19.
The Board of Commissioner's Annual Meeting was called to order at 12:00 pm by Chairperson Robert Smith.
Present: Nolan Torbert, Sr., John Saidla, Deborah Hand, Marguerite White, and Robert Smith
Others Present: Sharon Tolbert (Secretary/Treasurer), Sandra Sanders, Michael Cohan (General Counsel) and Wendy Cochran
Absent: None
There was a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.
Chairperson Smith asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert asked to move Resolutions FYE2020-048 - FYE2020-050 at the beginning of New Business so that Michael Cohan could review the items and be dismissed. Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve the revised Agenda. Commissioner White moved that the Agenda be approved. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson
Smith declared the revised Agenda approved.
Chairperson Smith advised the Board would meet in Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert, Sandra Sanders, and Wendy Cochran were dismissed from the meeting. The Board met in Executive Session from 12:01 pm to 12:10 pm. There was no action taken during the Executive Session. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert, Sandra Sanders and Wendy Cochran returned to the meeting. Chairperson Smith reported the CEO's contract was discussed during the Executive Session but there was no action taken. It was reported the CEO has provided exceptional service and was commended for her leadership.
Resolution FYE2020-053: CEO 2020 - 2022 Contract
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve the CEO's contract reflecting a salary adjustment effective July 1, 2020. Commissioner Saidla moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the CEO's contract approved. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert stated the contract will be reflected as resolution FYE2020-053. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert thanked the Board for the salary adjustment, support, and their trust in her ability to serve as CEO.
Chairperson Smith asked if there were any corrections to the May 26, 2020 Regular Meeting Minutes. There were no corrections. Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve the Minutes. Commissioner White moved that the Minutes be approved as received. Commissioner Saidla seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the Minutes approved.
There were no public comments.
A. Accounts Receivable Report: COCC
Commissioners were provided a copy of the Accounts Receivable report. The report reflected reimbursements for expenses through April 2020. Finance Director, Wendy Cochran was available for questions.
B. AHA Business Activity/COCC: April 2020
Commissioners were provided a copy of the April 2020 Income and Expense Comparison and Board Operating Statement/Budget reports for the Business Activity. Detailed financial reports were emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting. Finance Director, Wendy
Cochran, was available for questions.
C. Multifamily Housing Department: AHA Development LLC: April 2020
Commissioners were provided a copy of the April 2020 Income and Expense Comparison and Board Operating Statement/Budget reports for the AHA Development LLC. Detailed financial reports were emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting. Finance Director, Wendy Cochran, was available for questions.
D. HCV Program: April 2020
Commissioners were provided a copy of the April 2020 Income and Expense Comparison and Board Operating Statement/Budget reports for the HCV Program. Commissioners were provided a copy of the reports. Detailed financial reports were emailed to the Commissioners prior to the meeting. Finance Director, Wendy Cochran, was available for questions.
All financial reports are attached and made part of the Minutes.
A. Ridgecrest Redevelopment Program Report
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reported that she and three Public Housing Authorities (PHA) met via conference call with the Alabama Housing Finance Authority to discuss the scoring criteria outlined in the 2021 Qualified Application Plan (QAP). There was other dialogue
regarding the call.
A. Resolution FYE2020-043: FYB2020 Budget: Business Activity
Resolution FYE2020-043 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the FYB2020 budget for the Business Activity. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the budget and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-043. Commissioner Saidla moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
B. Resolution FYE2020-044: FYB2020 Budget: AHA Development LLC
Resolution FYE2020-044 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the FYB2020 budget for the AHA Development LLC. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the budget and asked if there were any questions. There were no questions.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-044. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
C. Resolution FYE2020-045: FYB2020 Budget: HCV Program
Resolution FYE2020-045 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the FYB2020 budget for the HCV Program.
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the budget and asked if there were any questions.
There were no questions.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-045. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Saidla seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
D. Resolution FYE2020-046: FYB2020 Budget: Fiscal Management Policy Revision
Resolution FYE2020-046 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the Fiscal Management policy revisions.
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the revisions and asked if there were any questions.
There were no questions.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-046. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
E. Resolution FYE2020-047: FYB2020 Budget: Fixed Asset Policy Revision
Resolution FYE2020-047 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the Fixed Asset policy revisions. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the revisions and asked if there were any questions.
There were no questions.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-047. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
F. Resolution FYE2020-048: FYB2020 Budget: Employee Handbook Revision
Resolution FYE2020-048 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the Employee Handbook revisions.
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert and Michael Cohan reviewed the revisions. There was various dialogue regarding the revisions. The Board requested to remove the revision in the Timekeeping section on pages 38 - 39.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-048. Commissioner Torbert moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Saidla seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
G. Resolution FYE2020-049: FYB2020 Budget: Telework Agreement
Resolution FYE2020-049 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the Telework Agreement. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert and Michael Cohan reviewed the Telework Agreement; there
was various dialogue regarding the Telework Agreement.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-049. Commissioner Torbert moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
H. Resolution FYE2020-050: COVID-19 Reopening Plan
Resolution FYE2020-050 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve the COVID-19 Reopening Plan. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert and Michael Cohan reviewed the plan; there was various dialogue regarding the COVID-19 Reopening Plan.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-050. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
I. Resolution FYE2020-051: AHA Development LLC Tenant Write-Offs
Resolution FYE2020-051 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Commissioners were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve tenant write-offs in the amount of $1,708.80.
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the write-offs and asked if there were any questions.
There were no questions.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-051. Commissioner Torbert moved that the resolution be approved as received. Commissioner White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
J. Resolution FYE2020-052: Elect Chairperson and Vice Chairperson
Resolution FYE2020-052 was introduced by Chairperson Smith. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to Elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for a term of office beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2021. Commissioner Robert Smith was elected Chairperson and Commissioner Nolan Torbert was elected Vice Chairperson.
Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2020-052. Commissioner White moved that the resolution be accepted as received. Commissioner Hand seconded said motion and all members voted aye. Chairperson Smith declared the resolution approved.
A copy of the resolutions and supporting information are attached and made a part of the Minutes.
K. Next Meeting
The next Regular Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 12:00 pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom due to COVID-19.
A. Multifamily Housing Department: Property Management Division
Commissioners were given a copy of the Property Management report which covered activities through May 2020.
B. Multifamily Housing Department: Maintenance Division
Commissioners were given a copy of the Maintenance report which covered activities through May 2020.
C. HCV Department
Commissioners were given a copy of the HCV report which covered activities through April 2020.
D. Resident Services Department
Commissioners were given a copy of the Resident Services report which covered activities through May 2020.
E. Miscellaneous Report
Commissioners were provided a copy of the Miscellaneous report. Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert reviewed the report in detail. Commissioners were asked if they would like an AHA-owned device (i.e. tablet or IPad) due to conducting Board meetings remotely.
Commissioners stated a device was not needed.
A copy of all of the departmental reports and supporting documentation are attached and made a part of the Minutes.
Secretary/Treasurer Tolbert thanked the Board for participating in the meeting. There being no further business, Chairperson Smith asked for a motion to adjourn. Commissioner White moved that the meeting be adjourned; Commissioner Saidla seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 1:36 pm.