ACDC Minutes - 06/29/2021
The Board of Director's Annual Meeting
June 29, 2021
The Board of Directors of the Auburn Community Development Corporation ("ACDC") met on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at the Auburn Housing Authority located at 931 Booker Street, Auburn, AL 36832. Due to COVID19, conference call was available for the general public at (712) 775-7031, access code 311-546.
The Board of Director's Annual Meeting was called to order at 1:22 pm by Sharon Tolbert, President.
Present: Nolan Torbert, Deborah Hand, Marguerite White, Rene Waldrop, and Sharon Tolbert
Others Present: Sandra Sanders (Staff) and AJ Harris (Staff)
Absent: Robert Smith
There was a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.
President Tolbert asked if there were any changes to the Agenda. There were no changes. President Tolbert asked for a motion to approve the Agenda. Director White moved that the Agenda be approved as received. Director Hand seconded said motion and all members voted aye. President Tolbert declared the Agenda approved.
President Tolbert asked if there were any corrections to the May 25, 2021 Regular Meeting Minutes. There were no changes. President Tolbert asked for a motion to approve the Minutes. Director White moved that the Minutes be approved. Director Torbert seconded said motion and all members voted aye. President Tolbert declared the Minutes approved.
There were no public comments.
A. CDBG CARES Finance Report
Directors were provided the CDBG CARES Finance Report. Secretary/Treasurer Torbert reviewed the report.
A. Food Pantry Update
AJ Harris, Public Relations and Compliance Director provided a detailed update of the Food Pantry. There was various dialogue about the Food Panty.
B. Bedell Village Update
President Tolbert stated the owner has not made a determination regarding the sale of Bedell Village. There was general dialogue regarding the proposed purchase.
A. Resolution FYE2021-008: 2021 CDBG and 2021 CDBG CARES/CV Grant Awards
Resolution FYE2021-008 was introduced by President Tolbert. Directors were provided a copy of the resolution and supporting documentation. President Tolbert informed the Board the resolution is to approve 2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds in the amount of $8,000 and 2021 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) CARES/CV funds in the amount of $20,000 to subsidize the Food Pantry Program. There was various discussion regarding the grant awards.
President Tolbert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2021-008. Director Torbert moved that the resolution be approved as received. Director White seconded said motion and all members voted aye. President Tolbert declared the resolution approved.
B. Resolution FYE2021-009: FYB2021 Election of Officers
Resolution FYE2021-009 was introduced by President Tolbert. It was reported the resolution is to elect a President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer for July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. The following Directors were nominated and accepted their respective nomination.
President Sharon Tolbert
Vice President Marguerite White
Secretary/Treasurer Nolan Torbert
President Tolbert asked for a motion to approve Resolution FYE2021-009 to elect the officers outlined above. Director Waldrop moved that the resolution be approved as received. Director Hand seconded said motion and all members voted aye. President Tolbert declared the resolution approved.
C. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on July 26, 2021.
There was no additional business.
There being no further business, President Tolbert asked for a motion to adjourn. Director Waldrop moved that the meeting be adjourned; Director White seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 1:37 pm.